A free press an…

A free press and a reliable rifle are the two of the most essental tools for retaining a free and just society. By themselves, they are bound to fail. More so, without a patriotic people, or those who desire freedom, then even both tools together will be ineffective against tyranny. Freedom is held together by the word of the press, and the barrel of the gun, both of which are reliant on the will of it’s wielder.

-Andrew Lampart

A free press an…

A free press and a reliable rifle are the two of the most essental tools for retaining a free and just society. By themselves, they are bound to fai. More so, without a patriotic people, or those who desire freedom, then even both tools together will be ineffective against tyranny. Freedom is held together by the word of the press, and the barrel of the gun, both of which are reliant on the will of it’s wielder.

-Andrew Lampart

NSA, Verizon, and now, the White House

       Just days after news broke that the National Security Agency had requested though court order, the phone records of over 1.5 million users of the Verizon Wireless network, US President Barack Obama has come forward in support of the collection. 


       On April 25, 2013, the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) had granted the government a three month period to gather unlimited information from the carrier as it should feel necessary. This three month period is set to end on July 19. Under this order, the following will take place for all Verizon users:

  • The numbers of both parties will be sent to the FBI
  • The time and duration of each call will be recorded.
  • Location services (such as GPS) of both parties will be recorded
  • “Specific Indicators” which are most likely key words such as ‘bomb’ or ‘terrorist’ will be noted.


       Collecting phone data is nothing new for the US government. Under the Bush Jr. administration, phone tapping was a common practice. He difference however, is that; under Bush, each person who underwent phone tapping was reviewed case-by-case. This collection, unlike the one under President Bush, is a much more colossal data collection, with little or no case review for each individual person. 


     Today, the White House claimed that the data was, “a critical tool in protecting the nation from terrorist threats to the United States.” It has also noted that all three branches of government were involved in establishing this event.


        For me, the question of National security versus the Fourth Amendment. The Fourth states that, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

On one hand, I understand the government’s claim of using these files to better enhance our national security. Unlike the last century, the enemy is no longer dressed in uniform, are no longer of a certain nationality, or heritage. Today, the enemy can be any man, woman, or yes, child, whom may seek to do harm against the United States or her allies. 




     On this issue, I stand by the side of the constitution. I believe that this action is in direct violation of the rights protected under the Fourth Amendment because of one key component: scale. Like I said earlier, phone tapping is nothing new in the United States. However, unlike past presidents, this tapping has been conducted on such a large scale, without consideration for the majority of those who have no reason to be accused, that have “probable cause” placed against them. The Justice Department is seeking to weed out a few possible terrorists, by jeopardizing the constitutional rights of the masses. 


So with that, I will leave you with a quote by Benjamin Franklin,

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.

Waters of Life Once Flowed on Mars

New evidence found by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration suggests that water once flowed in streams on the red planet. The Journal of Science reported on Friday May 30, that NASA’s Curiosity rover had discovered large amounts of large, smooth pebbles on it’s journey across Mars. These pebbles were similar in shape and size to those commonly found in riverbed deposits here on Earth.

Scientists believe that the rover unknowingly drove over the riverbed that Monday, while sending images back to Earth. At this point, it is believed that this particular stream was at least ankle deep, however more analysis of the rocks is needed to make a legitimate conclusion.

Congress shall …

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
-US Bill of Rights